Scottsdale Arts awarded $131,000 in Community Arts Grants to 22 local organizations for the 2021–22 fiscal year.
Of the 22 organizations receiving grants, 13 received the full amount requested. All applicants to the program must be 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts or cultural organizations that provide programs or activities within Scottsdale or for Scottsdale residents. Applicants must have a three-year history of programming before the application deadline.
An all-volunteer committee of arts, community, and business leaders reviewed the applications and recommended funding to the Scottsdale Arts Board of Trustees. In 2020, Scottsdale Arts awarded $100,000 to 20 organizations for general operating support and projects during the 2020–21 fiscal year.
The Community Arts Grant Program is funded by the city of Scottsdale and administered by Scottsdale Arts through its management service agreement with the city. Scottsdale Arts is a nonprofit organization that includes the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art (SMoCA), Scottsdale Public Art, and Scottsdale Arts Learning & Innovation. This year, Scottsdale Arts contributed $40,000 of its funds to the program.
Application dates for the 2022–23 fiscal year grant cycle will be posted in May 2022. For information, visit Scottsdale Arts.