Act One and ON Media invite all Arizona artists to enter artwork to be featured on the cover of the 2020-2021 ON Stage Season Arts Preview Guide. Submit a photo of an original piece of artwork that best represents the Performing Arts, specifically the areas of dance, music, and theater.
One piece of artwork will be chosen for the Metro Phoenix guide, a 100+ page publication sent to more than 180,000 art enthusiasts, and one piece of artwork will be chosen for the Tucson guide, which has 80+ pages and a distribution of 70,000+. In addition to his/her artwork appearing on the cover, the winning artist will also receive a half-page bio in the publication and a $250 honorarium.
ON Media produces On Stage in conjunction with the arts organizations featured in the guide. Proceeds from the production benefit Act One, a nonprofit organization that annually brings more than 44,000 students on educational arts field trips.
Deadlines: The deadline for submitting the entry form has been extended to Wednesday, May 1, 2020, at 5 p.m.